
The Atlas-vertebra

The first cervical vertebra (atlas) is part of the atlanto-occipital joint (C0-C1).

What is AtlasPROfilax®?

The science behind the method.

Results after the treatment

We have several studies presenting the results of the AtlasPROfilax® treatment.

Did you know?

The first appointment has a lot of important parts included!

Chronic Pain?

96% of patients with fibromyalgia-related pain disorders show improvement after the application of AtlasPROfilax®

Extra Bonus!

Did you know?

International Yoga Day

June 21st is the International Yoga Day.


Have you read our study on Fibromyalgia?

Clarity of Mind

One nice "side effect" of the Atlasprofilax® treatment

How is your working posture?

Sometimes it is very difficult to keep a good posture.

I'm pretty impressed!

A surgeons feedback.

Available in 41 countries

AtlasPROfilax® is available in many places!