
Did you know this about the atlas vertebra?

The Atlas has many special functions.

Client testimonial by opera singer Martha

Are you a singer? Did you know that many singers experiences an improvement in their voice after an AtlasPROfilax® treatment?

Let us help you get rid of your migraines!

If you have headaches or migraines, please continue to read this!

Less pain in fibromyalgia patients

Do you suffer from Fibromyalgia?

Ask us anything!

Are you curious about the AtlasPROfilax® method and what it can do for you? Ask us anything in the comments or reach out to your local Atlasprof®! 


Your health is important to us!

We really want you to feel better!

Client testimonial - "I feel physically stronger!"

Read about what happened with Paul.

The AtlasPROfilax® equipment

May we demonstrate the equipment we use.

Helping people worldwide!

AtlasPROfilax®, helping people worldwide! 

Tired of the pain?

Learn about the AtlasPROfilax® method.

The First Atlas appointment

Read what we do during the first appointment.

I can breathe a lot better

Caroline suffered from fibromyalgia and neck pain.