
Client testimonial

A happy client makes a happy practitioner! See all feedback videos or submit your own story at our website:…

Health is not valued till sickness comes

Many take their health for granted. An AtlasPROfilax® treatment can help prevent future problems, like headaches, back problems or numbness in the…

We perform up to 13 manual and functional tests

We perform up to 13 manual and functional tests to determine which side is more affected by the probable atlas misalignment. Learn more at: https://ww…

What is AtlasPROfilax®?

AtlasPROfilax® is a neuromuscular massage technique to realign the atlas vertebra with usually a single application with a massage device using…

Every visit at AtlasPROfilax® starts with a warm welcome

At AtlasPROfilax®, we believe that every visit should start with a warm welcome. Find your local Atlasprof® at…

Client testimonial: “I feel energized!”

Perhaps the best thing about AtlasPROfilax®: you only need this treatment once! Learn more at

Trust your Atlasprof®

At AtlasPROfilax®, every practitioner is a qualified Atlasprof®, meaning they have gone through the necessary education to be able to perform this…

Tell your partner about AtlasPROfilax®!

Share this post with your partner or a friend that could benefit from an AtlasPROfilax® treatment!

At AtlasPROfilax® it’s all about the experience

At AtlasPROfilax® it’s all about the experience. Book your appointment today at

Client testimonial - “After the procedure, I have more mobility in my neck!”

The effects of an AtlasPROfilax® treatment can be very relieving. Curious to find out more? Go to:

The greatest wealth is health

We believe this to be true. Book your appointment today to take the first step towards a healthier you.